Get What is Rightfully Yours, Without Getting Your Hands Dirty


In business, people don’t always pay their bills. That’s just a fact. As a small business owner, it can feel very strange to find yourself in the position of trying to get money from a customer who just refuses to pay. We often see business owners react one of two ways: either they decide to let it go, because writing off the loss is easier and less confrontational than fighting for what is theirs, or they get tough and spend a lot of time going after the debtor through phone calls, emails, and even in-person visits. 

But here’s the thing: there is a much easier way to get money that is rightfully owed to your business without incurring a bunch of losses and without spending your precious time tracking people down. And no, it doesn’t involve calling anyone’s uncle. 

Wakefield Law has 32 Years of Experience Collecting Outstanding Debts

At Wakefield Law, we have a unique way of approaching collection work. We know that businesses need to be paid in order to keep their doors open. We also know that business owners don’t have time to be tracking down debts from former customers. That’s why we are so passionate about working alongside small businesses to keep the cash flow coming. 

Here’s what we do: if you have an unpaid invoice or outstanding debt that you can’t collect, we get involved. We step in and use the legal process to encourage your former customers to pay what is rightfully owed to you. But, we don’t just file a lawsuit and then wait around for a response. We take a more proactive approach. After 32 years in the business, we have learned a simple truth: communication works. That’s why we work hard to locate debtors, open a line of communication with them, and then cultivate that communication in a way that gets you paid. 

Although we have been around a long time, we don’t do things the old fashioned way. We are always updating and adapting our approach to make sure that we are communicating with debtors in a way that works for them and we are meeting them where we are. Our success rate is so high because we treat everyone involved in a collection matter (the business and the customer) as real people. Sure, we know how to get tough, but we also find that respect, persistence, and a laser-focused attention to detail gets the job done.

A Rare Win-Win in Business 

When businesses first come to us, they often have misconceptions about the way that we work and how we get paid. Let me say this up front: we never charge a consultation fee for just talking. If you want to give us a call to learn how our process might work for you and your business, don’t hesitate! There won’t be any time-counting or billing. Plus, we do the vast majority of our collection work on a contingency basis. This means we usually ask for a “cost fund” up front to cover things like court costs, filing fees, and mailing. Then, we don’t charge you hourly for our work. There are no hidden fees or unexpected bills. We just do the work to track down the debtor, work out a payment arrangement with them, and get you paid. We are able to use your contract and, if applicable, state statutes to get you interest, attorney’s fees, and other costs covered by the debtor, too. Then, when all is said and done, we are paid a percentage of what we collect on your behalf. It really is that simple. 

Contact Wakefield Law to Get Started

Sounds pretty great, right? You get to take unpaid bills off of your desk entirely and hand them off to professionals who have been doing this kind of work for over three decades. Then, you get paid! It couldn’t be easier. If you have been trying to collect outstanding debt to no avail or, worse, if you have been writing off losses because you simply don’t have time to pursue your accounts receivable, let’s talk. Give our office a call at (703) 771-9740. Still not sure if Wakefield Law is right for you? Check out our reviews on Google!